The Tuning Review

The Tuning Review

The low down on the aftermarket industry…

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Archive for Tuners

Drama of the year (for now) goes to…EisenWHAT?

The internet is full of drama, but this scandal takes the cake. I’m still reading threads from March with new information, it’s sort of like watching that movie you love over and over again and finding something new each time LOL. 
Cliff Notes Version (unless you’d rather read through the 300 pages of threads at M5, [...]

Musical Distributors - Hamann

Although this happened awhile back, I feel compelled to write on it since Hamann hits close to home for me. As an integral part of the Hamann fanfare back in 99-01, I found it pretty disheartening to see Wheel Power Inc. “lose” it’s distributorship last year. Granted, it was played out by 02-03, the initial [...]

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